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Fire safety self inspection in Honghu ecotourism scenic spot

2019-10-26 11:15Source:洪湖生态旅游
In order to fully implement the notice of Hubei Provincial Department of culture and tourism issued by Honghu Municipal Bureau of culture and tourism on printing and distributing the special action plan of risk prevention, safety protection, military transportation and Daqing fire safety law enforcement inspection, Zhao yongxiong, the leader in charge of work safety of the head office, and the members of the quality inspection center of the tourism branch, went down to all departments and posts of the branch for special inspection one by one.
Inspection focus: fire protection system, fire-fighting facilities, emergency evacuation, emergency drill, hidden danger rectification, etc.
In the morning of July 31, 2019, quality inspection members successively inspected the ecological scenic spot, Lake View Resort, tourist wharf, Lotus Hotel, old Qujiawan street, and checked whether there were fire safety hazards in each business place and the implementation of rectification: fire safety management of key fire prevention parts such as staff dormitory, warehouse, canteen, power distribution room and open fire operation: check that the fire fighting facilities are complete Effective, the fire evacuation passageway is unblocked, and eye-catching fire signs are set up. All department employees are required to have the awareness of fire safety, and be able to skillfully use fire-fighting equipment and alarm facilities, so as to make full efforts to prevent accidents in advance and ensure that the fire safety work is safe.
Original intention of quality inspection: while greeting tourists, we should increase investment in safety protection measures to ensure tourism safety, which is not only responsible for the safety of tourists' lives and properties, but also for the enterprise itself.