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Boat boat tour of Lake

2019-11-08 17:27Source:

Honghu Lake ecotourism scenic spot boat boat tour is also one of the most unforgettable projects in Honghu Lake ecotourism scenic spot. After tourists have played in Honghu ecotourism scenic spot, the lake water of Honghu ecotourism scenic spot is the most impressive. The lake water of Honghu ecotourism scenic spot presents different colors in different seasons and different time periods. Sometimes it's dark green, sometimes it's blue, sometimes it's iron gray. Different colors make Honghu eco-tourism scenic spot show a colorful side. The core content of appreciating Honghu ecotourism scenic spot is to appreciate the lake water.

Honghu ecotourism scenic spot has a project closely related to the lake water of Honghu ecotourism scenic spot, that is, the boat boat tour of Honghu ecotourism scenic spot. There are four medium-sized cruises in Honghu ecotourism scenic spot, which are specially designed to carry tourists to swim on the lake surface of Honghu ecotourism scenic spot. A close look at the lake surface of Honghu eco-tourism scenic spot shows that the water quality here is very good and the aquatic species are very rich. There are different kinds of fish and plants living in the lake water. The coverage rate of aquatic plants growing in the water is more than 85%, which is known as "underwater forest".

Boat boat tour of Honghu Lake is a newly added project in Honghu Lake ecotourism scenic area. Sitting on the cruise ship, you can feel the evening wind blowing slowly from the lake, appreciate the lotus leaves of ten thousand mu generated in the lake, and feel the fresh air here. The wind sends the fragrance of lotus leaves into our nose. The boat reflects the spectacular scenery of ten thousand mu lotus into our vision and the original ecological scenery on both sides of the lake. Holiday in Honghu eco-tourism scenic spot is one of the most beautiful enjoyment. If you can enjoy a boat tour of the lake once a day, then you are willing to come to Honghu eco-tourism scenic spot every day. There are also beautiful guides in Honghu eco-tourism scenic area to guide you.